In this article, we will introduce something commonly seen on rainy days in Japan. Japan has unique measures to prevent bringing water droplets inside buildings on rainy days. Especially in places like department stores and restaurants where many people visit, you can find the following three types of measures:
Manual Type
At the entrance, there are plastic bags provided to cover your umbrella. This is to prevent dripping water by covering the umbrella yourself. When leaving the store, you remove the plastic bag from the umbrella and dispose of it in the trash can. This is the most common measure seen in Japan.

Manual Type 2
There is a dedicated device installed to shake off the water droplets from the umbrella. This allows you to effectively remove the water droplets from the umbrella.

Automatic Type
This device automatically covers your umbrella with a plastic bag just by inserting it. The most famous automatic type is a product developed by NIIKURA SCALES in Japan. Since the automatic type is expensive, it is often installed at the entrances of department stores and upscale shops.

Insert foldable umbrellas on the right side.

These measures are in place to keep the inside of buildings clean and to prevent accidents on slippery floors. When visiting Japan, please make use of these umbrella measures to ensure a safe and comfortable stay.